Vendors Registration
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We invite interested companies to complete our 'Vendors' form and collaborate with UAQ. If your capabilities align with our requirements, we'll contact you to proceed with the formal registration process. We value the potential partnership and look forward to your submission.

  • Company Info
  • Questionnaire
  • Additional Info
  • Attachments

1. Company information

General Information
  • (Joint Liability Company) شركة ذات مسؤولية مشتركة
  • (Establishment/SoleProprietorship)مؤسسة/ملكية الفردية
  • (Semi Governent) شبه حكومية
  • (Government) حكومية
  • (Limited Partnership Company) شركة ذات شراكة محدودة
  • (Joint Venture) اتحاد شراكة
  • (Joint Stock Company) شركة مساههه مغلقه
  • (Limited Liability Company) شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة
  • شركة مساهمة عامة
  • (Other) أخرى
  • (Administration Services) الخدمات الإدارية
  • (Communications & Marketing) الاتصالات والتسويق
  • (Consultancy & Professional Services) الاستشارات والخدمات المهنية
  • (Engineering Services) خدمات هندسية
  • (Facilities Management and Construction) إدارة المرافق وأعمال البناء
  • (HR Services) خدمات الموارد البشرية
  • (IT Services) خدمات تكنولوجيا المعلومات
  • (Logistic Services) الخدمات اللوجستية
  • (Other) أخرى
Choose one of the options
  • (Building Lease) تأجير المبانى
  • (Catering Services) خدمات المطاعم
  • (Stationary) القرطاسية
  • (Branding) العلامة التجارية
  • (Event Management) إدارة الفعاليات و المناسبات
  • (Gift Items) الهدايا
  • (Marketing) تسويق
  • (Photography & Videography) التصوير الفوتوغرافي والفيديو
  • (Public Relations) العلاقات العامة
  • (Aviation /Aerospace Consultancy) استشارات الطيران والفضاء
  • (Business Consultancy) استشارات الأعمال
  • (Construction Consultancy) استشارات البناء
  • (Energy Consultancy) استشارات الطاقة
  • (Financial Consultancy) الاستشارات المالية
  • (Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals Consultancy) استشارات الرعاية الصحية والصيدلانية
  • (Hospitality Consultancy) استشارات الضيافة
  • (HR Consultancy) استشارات الموارد البشرية
  • (Indvidual Advisory) الاستشارة الفردية
  • (Investment Consultancy) استشارات الاستثمار
  • (Legal Consultancy) الاستشارات القانونية
  • (Management Consultancy) الاستشارات الإدارية
  • (Project Management Consultancy) استشارات إدارة المشاريع
  • (Real Estate Valuation) تقييم العقارات
  • (Strategy Consultancy) الاستشارات الاستراتيجية
  • (Technology Consultancy) استشارات التكنولوجيا
  • (Architectural Design) التصميم المعماري
  • (Decoration) الديكور
  • (Land / Topographical Survey) مسح الأراضي / الطبوغرافية
  • (Master Planning) التخطيط الرئيسي
  • (Study Geographic Area) دراسة المنطقة الجغرافية
  • (Supervision) إشراف
  • (Interior Design) تصميم داخلي
  • (Building & Facilities Management) إدارة المرافق و المباني
  • (Civil & Structural Works) الأعمال المدنية والإنشائية
  • (Construction Works - General Contracting) أعمال البناء-المقاولات العامة
  • (Finishing Works/Fit Out) أعمال التشطيب / التجهيز
  • (Loose & Fixed Furniture) الأثاث
  • (Maintenance Services) خدمات الصيانة
  • (MEP Works) أعمال الهندسة الكهربائية والميكانيكية والسباكة
  • (Safety Equipment) معدات السلامة
  • (Security Guard Services) خدمات الحراسة الأمنية
  • (Employee Services) خدمات الموظفين
  • (Training) الدورات و التدريب
  • (Cybersecurity Services) خدمات الأمن السيبراني
  • (Data Room Services) خدمات غرفة البيانات
  • (Hardware) المعدات
  • (IT Professional Services) خدمات تكنولوجيا المعلومات المهنية
  • (Licensing) التراخيص
  • (Network) شبكات
  • (Software) برمجة
  • (Subscriptions) الاشتراكات
  • (Surveillance and Controls/Low Current Systems) المراقبة و التحكم / أنظمة التيار المنخفض
  • (Telecommunication) اتصالات
  • (Logistics) الخدمات اللوجستية
  • (Vehicle Rental) تأجير المركبات
Point of Contact
Authorized Person to Sign Contract / PO
Bank Account Details

2. Questionnaire

General Questions
Health & Safety Questions
Environmental Questions

3. Additional information

Experience & Expertise
Local Content

4. Supporting Documents/Attachments

Supported formats : PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, ZIP

Maximum size : 1015MB

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Quality Assurance & Compliance Certifications (e.g., ISO certifications, etc.)
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Any missing document can invalidate your registration, please ensure the submission of all your documents.

Terms & Conditions

The policies listed below aim to establish regulatory controls and general guidelines used in dealing with cases of harassment and behavioral abuse in the work environment.


  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors must ensure that a work environment is free from harassment, discomfort and intimidation and must adhere to this policy and apply it accordingly.
  • No form of harassment will be tolerated and all contractors, suppliers/vendors must commit to treating all employees equally, with respect and dignity and providing a professional and ethical work environment. 
  • The employee, contractor, supplier/vendor is considered a participant in harassment if he notices it and does not report it, as he will be subject to disciplinary measures that may reach the extent of termination of the service.
  • Cases of harassment may include:
    • Verbal harassment:
      • Language of a suggestive, explicit or offensive nature.
      • Unsolicited proposals or offers.
      • Questions or comments of a personal nature.
      • Jokes of an explicit or non-sexually explicit nature.
    • Non-verbal harassment:
      • Staring or looking long. 
      • Offensive messages/images sent to the other party.
      • Aggressive gestures and signals.
      • Unwanted gifts.

Sexual harassment

  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors acknowledge that sexual harassment is a form of misconduct that threatens the safety of the work environment.
  • All employees, contractors/suppliers (vendors) have the right to work in an environment free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that could be considered compulsory or subversive harassment, including sexual harassment.
  • Sexual harassment is defined as any unwanted visual, verbal or physical sexual attempts, any offers for services of an inappropriate nature, and any other sexually oriented behavior that is offensive or objectionable to the recipient. Sexual harassment also refers to unwanted behavior that is described as personal abuse, impairs morale, and therefore interferes with the effectiveness of the work.
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors reject any conduct, express or implicit, that would interfere with the performance of an individual's work or create a frightening, hostile or abusive work environment. 


General Laws 

  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors prohibit any kind of behavioral abuse in the work environment and includes all practices of abuse from one party to another.
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors will not allow any infringements against anyone who files a complaint of harassment of all kinds or who speaks as a witness in the investigation of the complaint.
  • Aiding or covering up harassment and behavioral assaults is considered harassment or infringement.
  • All employee, contractor, supplier/vendor complaints of harassment and behavioral abuse (or abuse) are submitted directly to or through email to UAQ’s Human Resources and Administration Department.
  • All complaints of harassment and behavioral abuse should be investigated by the Committee to Investigate Behavioral Abuse.
  • All complaints submitted by employees, contractors, suppliers/vendors will be investigated by the "Committee for the Inquiry of Behavioral Violations" in strict confidentiality while preserving the privacy and rights of all parties.
  • Employees, contractors, suppliers/vendors found guilty of any of the above will be investigated and may be dismissed/terminated depending on the severity of the case.


Through this policy, all contractors, suppliers/vendors are committed to achieving greater transparency about how they manage matters affecting human rights. This is done by preventing exploitation and forced labor and protecting against discrimination in all its operations. All contractors, suppliers/vendors must ensure that all employees are treated with dignity and respect, and the related entity plays its part in promoting and creating a positive culture of human rights.


Dignity of all Individuals 

  • Contractors, Suppliers/Vendors – Both contractors and suppliers must maintain a work environment free from all forms of harassment, whether physical or verbal. They shall also ensure that violations within the Company's premises are adequately addressed.

Physical and mental health of individuals working in the company's workplaces (employees, contractors, etc.):

  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors must provide clean and potable water to individuals in the workplace.
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors must provide the protective equipment and training necessary to perform the tasks safely.
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors must ensure that the company's business does not adversely affect the long-term health of individuals.
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors must not expose pregnant or breastfeeding women to conditions that would be harmful to them. Breastfeeding breaks must be provided for women according to the law.
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors must provide appropriate guidance and training to reduce risks in workplaces in areas where infectious diseases are endemic.

Maternity: All contractors, suppliers/vendors must abide by the following: 

  • Granting women maternity leave for the period stipulated in the Labor Law, without the risk of losing their jobs.
  • Grant women temporary leave in case of illness or complications related to pregnancy or childbirth, without risk of losing their job.


Injury and disease: 

  • It includes an individual with a temporary or permanent disability, physical or otherwise. All contractors, suppliers/vendors will:
    • Provide emergency care as necessary.
    • Give a reasonable time to recover from an injury or illness.
    • Upon the employee's return, ensure that injured/sick employees are given duties and tasks commensurate with their recovery period from injury or illness. This may include reasonable adjustments to the workplace, and the work should not cause undue hardship.


Working conditions and salary

  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors are committed to providing the necessary training for employees so that they can work in safe and healthy ways and maintain environmental responsibility.
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors should ensure that Salaries are not less than the minimum wage as required by Saudi labor laws, ensure that employees receive fair Salary, and conduct a periodic review of the wage system.
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors regularly develop, improve and standardize health, safety and environmental standards in the workplace. A health and safety committee can be formed to identify areas for improvement and include representatives from different departments.


All contractors, suppliers/vendors are committed to the following: 

  • Ensure that individuals are informed, upon request, of what personal information the entity holds, where it is held, and how to update it.
  • Do not ask workers about their health status or pregnancy status except when the situation is directly related to the performance of work duties, and seek to keep this information confidential.
  • Only provide an individual’s personal or other information to government authorities to the extent required by law and upon request, or with the individual’s permission.
  • Seek to minimize the use of monitoring, surveillance and security measures that may invade the privacy of individuals to the extent practicable, and using such measures solely for the legitimate business purpose of protecting its assets and the safety of its workers or others.


Non-employment of children

  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors are committed to determining the age according to the labor law to ensure and pledge not to employ children.
  • UAQ may obtain for a strategy of constructive engagement with offending suppliers, rather than simply terminating contracts with them. However, if there is no positive impact observed in the employment practices of contractors/ suppliers and others; UAQ will terminate the business dealings.


Forced labor

  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors will not use forced labor in any way.
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors must ensure the freedom of employees to resign.
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors refrain from keeping the personal papers of its employees in line with the laws of the Kingdom (e.g. passport, personal identity card, etc.).

Protection from discrimination

  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors are committed to recruiting individuals based on job requirements, and refrains from discriminating in employment on the basis of age, ethnic or social origin, gender, sexual, political or religious orientation.



  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors will not discriminate between individuals, directly or indirectly, on the basis of the age of the employee. The company ensures that no one is treated less favorably because of their age.


  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors will not discriminate between individuals on the basis of gender in any aspect of employment (Salary, work assignments, promotions, allowances, training, additional benefits, and any other condition of employment).


Marital status

  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors will not discriminate between individuals due to marital status (single, married, separated, divorced, or widowed).
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors will treat employees fairly and will not ask discriminatory questions at the time of employment that refer to marital status or family matters.


People with disabilities

  • All employees are treated with dignity and respect.
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors must provide the necessary facilities that must be available to persons with disabilities that include the blind, partially blind and disabled (whether physical or mental).
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors will not do things that expose people with disabilities to unnecessary hardship (e.g., asking them to lift heavy objects, etc.).



  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors will not tolerate any racial harassment such as racial or offensive insults, derogatory remarks about a person's race or color, or displaying racially offensive symbols against them.

Origin and Ancestry

  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors will not discriminate between individuals on the basis of origin/ancestry in any aspect of employment (Salary, work assignments, promotions, allowances, training, additional benefits, and any other condition of employment).
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors allow workers to speak their own language in the workplace when this does not interfere with their ability to fulfill their job responsibilities or adversely affect the health, safety or security of the workplace.


  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors should respect the language, culture and values of citizens and residents.
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors may engage in positive discrimination towards citizens in vocational training, employment and education.
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors must strive to bring awareness to citizens and residents to move forward with professional development.


Personal Beliefs

  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors must respect the beliefs of all individuals.
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors should not prohibit employees from wearing clothing or other symbols that are an expression of their beliefs, provided that such clothing or symbols do not increase the risk in the workplace and do not interfere with their ability to perform their job responsibilities.


Respect for Religion

All contractors, suppliers/vendors must ensure that:

  • Reasonably accommodate the employee's religious beliefs or practices, unless this causes an increased burden on the entity’s operations. (Examples of some religious accommodations include flexible work schedules, and adjustments to workplace policies or practices.)
  • All contractors, suppliers/vendors are committed not to accept offensive comments or remarks about a person's religious beliefs or practices.


Alignment of Employee Conduct

  • Formal training on human rights policies must be given to staff in a gradual manner when necessary.
  • Formal specific measures must be taken to align the conduct of all staff with human rights policy.

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Thank you for submitting the Vendor Registration Form. Your interest in potential collaboration is acknowledged. Upon review and alignment, we'll contact you to advance with formal registration. Your submission is appreciated as we explore partnership possibilities.

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